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✍️ Call For "Youth For Democracy - Democracy For Youth" Youth Exchange

Updated: Jun 14, 2023

The Erasmus+ Youth Exchange "Youth For Democracy - Democracy For Youth" will take place on 20-28 August in Norway.


Young people have much to offer to society. Their active participation and social responsibilities can enhance civic life and democratic processes. A democracy cannot move forward without youth. Otherwise, it will lose its credibility, guarantee, and legitimacy. But this is not an unchangeable faith. This can be changed by promoting the active participation of young people in societies, growing social cohesion, fostering the EU’s values, and spreading democratic principles among young people. Young people can cope with those challenges and overcome them by knowing their rights and the possibilities for them, which are created in the social and political context of the EU. In this manner, we want to gather young people from different countries and let them:

- define the current socio-economic problems, challenges, and necessities for young people and find solutions for them,

- understand the youth engagement in society and active participation of youth,

- be aware of the importance of democratic principles and social inclusion,

- ensure better political decisions and actions by means of youth perspective,

- know how to be more active and what kind of changes can happen in societies with their active participation,

- strengthen understanding and awareness of main principles of democracy and EU such as human rights, young engagement, active participation, inclusive society, respectfulness, tolerance, empathy, youth empowerment, diversity, dignity, equity etc.

- promote the well-being of young people and develop their skills and experiences,

- see how to be part of promoting peace, conflict management, transition to democracy,

- consider creating more peaceful and more inclusive societies,

- discuss about different types of democracies and compare them to each other,

- learn about their rights, means, space and opportunities in a social-politic-educational-economic context,

- find different possibilities to enhance youth participation at local and regional levels,

- support young people to increase their knowledge about the Erasmus+ program to offer the opportunity to meet partner groups and develop concrete ideas for future projects focusing on cultural diversity and active participation,

- promote and develop non-formal educational methods.


60 participants of 18-30 ages will gather in Svarstad, Norway. The participants will be those interested in social topics, democratic values, and human rights. The project is designed as an open learning process based on participants’ experiences, and interests and based on a non-formal education approach. A combination of the different creative and interactive methods will be used by the facilitator, group leaders and participants. The learning of new skills, the acquisition of knowledge and the exchange and challenges of each other’s attitudes and experiences are significant for our project.


The deadline for applying is 26 June 2023 at 23:59 Armenian time. Interested candidates can apply by filling in this form:

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